Session 18: A New Model of Information Exchange

Guest Speaker:  Mehrdad Loghmani (Researcher in Information Management, Syracuse University)

APRIL 9th, 2023 


Information exchange is not merely transmitting information, parcelled model of communication, but involves interpersonal interaction, medium, and spatial and temporal dimensions that all affect the outcome. Therefore it is essential to consider the role of context in affective and cognitive dimensions of exchange and its impact on information seeking and response.

Most information exchange models focus on the cognitive dimension with less attention paid to the interaction of all three dimensions in information seeking, particularly the role of the affective dimension in information exchange. 

The cognitive dimension of information has been the subject of many studies; recently, there has been growing interest in the affective aspect of information seeking; However, there is a lack of a comprehensive multi-dimensional exchange model that considers the affective, cognitive, and contextual dimensions of information exchange.

A multi-dimensional approach allows us to understand better the role of context and affective dimensions of exchange and their impact on information processing and seeking.

Suggested reading before the meeting

Speaker’s Biography

Mehrdad Loghmani is the author of Khayyam: On the Value of Time and the co-author of Harmony and Exchange: Toward a Legoic Society. A researcher and tech executive by day and author by night, he received his bachelor of science in Mathematics from the University of Waterloo and his master of science in Applied Data Science from Syracuse University, where he is currently working on his Doctorate in Information Management. He co-founded Solidarity with Iran, a diverse group that promotes inclusiveness and democratic principles, and co-author of Charter 91, a blueprint for promoting new participatory avenues in Iran. He is an advisor to the Mahatma Gandhi center for peace at Jindal University in India. He is a founding member of Nonviolence without Borders at O.P. Jindal Global University in India. He contributes to Radio Free Europe, BBC Persian, the Huffington Post, and Indian Seminar magazine.