Session 23: Cinema in the Age of AI- Evolving and Uneasy Relationship


Cinema as an art form, since its inception in early years of 20th century has been coterminous with the advent and progress of technology. Early cameras, negative and sound integration are a few to name in that trajectory. At the same time, Artificial Intelligence (AI) rise within the discipline of science and technology comes with the developments after WWII, making their emergence, rise and relationship seamless. In this presentation, focusing on the genre of Sci-Fi and recent developments in the advancement in Cinematic techniques, aesthetics and AI evolution and penetration in the domains of  art and cinema, the evolving nature of AI sub-genre would be expanded and this opens the door the existential and artistic problematic of how much that representation could transform cinema itself. AI films from more recent periods would supplement the arguments and implications.

Suggested Readings:

Speaker's Biography:

Hooman Razavi, Tehran/Toronto natives completed his education in the fields of Science and Education. He has been a teacher of Science and Civics for many years in Toronto and China. His interests in politics, education and philosophy intersected with his active involvement in Cinema Circles in Toronto at University of Toronto. He has been active member of clubs, helping with film festival planning and writing essays, film reviews and season proposals in various capacities. Hooman's fascination with the evolving nature of Cinema and its symbiotic relationship with politics, science and economics has been a source of inspiration with his recent focus on the nature of AI representation in Cinema and film's trajectory in the direction of AI integration.